U.S. diplomacy

in the Middle East

U.S. diplomacy

in the Middle East

U.S. diplomacy

This is the only blog that is solely dedicated to the US foreign Policy in the Middle East. It collects, summarizes, and categorizes all the news that is related to this subject

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Collect, Summarize, Categorize

"Stretching from the Western Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean, the Middle East continues to be a region struggling with violent conflict, political repression, and poor development. Numerous pro-democracy protest movements, a burgeoning youth population, and efforts to reform governments and lessen economic dependence on oil, however, are causes for optimism." (Source)

In general, the US has 4 concerns in the Middle East: oil, terrorism, Israel, and non-proliferation. Recently, after the pivot to Asia, the US adopted the strategy of Offshore Balancing which has 2 pillars: relying on the regional allies and partners, and exploiting its over-the-horizon capabilities like air and naval forces, cyber-attacks, sanctions, coercive diplomacy, special forces, drones and other unmanned equipment, etc.

This blog collects, summarizes, and categorizes all the news that is related to the US diplomacy in the Middle East.

I am Issa Adeli and U.S. diplomacy in the Middle East is my research interest. So, I appreciate any comments from the readers.


These are the people that one should follow if they want to stay in the know about the US policy on Middle East:

US ambassador to Saudi Arabia: Michael Ratney

US ambassador to UAE: Martina Strong

US ambassador to Bahrain: Steven C. Bondy

US ambassador to Kuwait: Karen Hideko Sasahara

US ambassador to Oman: Ana A. Escrogima

US ambassador to Jordan: Yael Lempert

US ambassador to Iraq: Alina L. Romanowski

US ambassador to Qatar: Timmy Davis

US ambassador to Lebanon: Lisa A. Johnson

US ambassador to Turkey: Jeffry L. Flake

US ambassador to Israel: Jacob J. Lew

US ambassador to Egypt: Herro Mustafa Garg

US ambassador to Algeria: Elizabeth Moore Aubin

US ambassador to Morocco: Puneet Talwar

US ambassador to Tunisia: Joey R. Hood

US ambassador to Yemen: Steven Fagin

US ambassador to Lybia: Richard Norland

Deputy US Special Envoy for Iran: Abram Paley